Slide ㈜일우인터내셔날은 ICT 전문기업으로 최고의 기술력과 노하우로
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MARINE ICT ITEMS Ilwoo International Co., Ltd. is an ICT company with the best technology and know-how
We'll provide you with the best quality products and solutions.

MLA(Marine Loading Arm)

Marine loading arm is needed for fluid unloading from the ship or loading to the ship.
IlWoo can provide single pipe line or double pipe lines to fit the fluid property.

QC/DC (Quick Connect/Disconnect Coupler)

QC/DC(Quick Connect/Disconnect Coupler) is a renovated equipment to make easier pipe connection between ship and MLA by using hydraulic oil pressure compared to the previous pipe bolting method

ERC (Emergency Release Coupler)

ERC (Emergency Release Coupler) is a safety equipment to enable safe disconnection of the fluid without any leakage in case of the emergency situation such as fire or ship escape during loading into or unloading from the ship.